Enjoy Every Sandwich

Collectors have a tendency to focus so much on the acquisition, that sometimes they forget to actually enjoy the item once it lands in their collection. Looking through my hobby room recently, I found small piles of stuff I forgot I had purchased! You know how it goes... the package comes in the door, you open it after dinner, you set it aside to look at it again later... and before you know it, "later" is 2 years.

So, I'm trying to dedicate myself to focusing on enjoying what I collect more than falling into the trap of being a collecting automaton mindlessly checking things off a want list.

Here's a book I pulled from a pile. What a fun read! Avengers #52, May 1968.

What makes this story so special is that I first encountered it as a reprint in the Avengers Marvel Treasury Edition #7 (1974), which I still have the tattered original that bears my 6 year old signature across the cover.
