Bring Back The Polybag!

To further expand on the idea of the comic buying public slowly withering and dying...

Why don't comic book publishers sell comics through big chains such as Walmart?

Now, I know there would be massive problems with selling new releases through this distribution channel, but what about bringing back the old style polybags that had books that were a few months old?

You'd think this would be job #1 for the boys and girls in marketing at Marvel and DC. It just might stop their slow slide into oblivion and get kids interested in comics again. Why not sell the polybagged 3 packs again? Walmart would be the perfect venue for something like this. Take the newsstand returns and put 'em in polybags .... 3 for $1.99 or something like that. They're only going to destroy the returns anyway, right?!?

Seems like a no-brainer to me, but perhaps there are behind the scenes issues that make this impractical....