They both can't be right: Apollo 11 Reproduction Signed Photo
/Here is a common reproduction signed photo of the Apollo 11 crew. The signatures are not live ink -- they are part of the photo. This was distributed in mass quantities by NASA to schools, libraries and other public institutions around the time of the mission. It exists in 8 x 10 and approximately 16 x 20 sizes.
This eBay seller is offering the reproduction signed photo for a $1,000 Buy It Now and states that he has had "a few experts check it out and verify it is authentic."
Common Apollo 11 reproduction signed photo being advertised as authentic on eBay
This seller has another print of the same item with identical signatures, and he assures potential buyers that "his uncle got the signatures at a show in Florida."
Another Apollo 11 reproduction signed photo being advertised as authentic on eBay